Pledge to make a difference today

There are simple ways we can all contribute towards making our communities suicide safer. As friends, family members, colleagues, neighbours and community members we can all play our part preventing suicide.

Learn the warning signs

Many people do not talk about feeling suicidal through stigma or fear but there usually are warning signs that someone is feeling this way. Some are obvious but others can be quite subtle, and we may need to pay attention to see them. Being alert to these signs or invitations can be the first step towards saving a life. Find out more or print out our Poster.

Take the Training

Register on Eventbrite to take part in one of our online or face to face Suicide Prevention Training sessions. Understand more about suicide, how to know when someone may be having thoughts of suicide, how to talk directly and comfortably about suicide, and what we can all do to offer practical support.

Check in

If you are worried about someone don’t be content with an “I’m alright mate”. Be helpfully nosey, and be patient. Let them know why are concerned, and that you are there for them. The smallest displays of kindness, like picking up the phone to check-in on someone, and the conversation that follows, could make the difference. And perhaps even save a life. Find out more about how to support others.

Host a Resource Tin

Host one of our Suicide Prevention and Self-harm Resources Tins at your workplace, club or community group. We know having access to the right information, at the right time, can make all the difference in getting individuals the help and support they need. Find out more about our Tins

Spread the word

We hold a wide range of digital and paper resources you can distribute within your workplace, club or community group, fundraising event or even for your friends. Contact us directly and we will make sure we supply you with everything you need.

Train online in your lunch break

20 minutes is all it takes to complete the very effective Zero Suicide Alliance training online. Why not complete in your lunch breajk with colleagues? You can also find out about a wider range of oinline training here.

Share our social media

Lets spread content about positive suicide prevention messages across social media. Follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter

Fundraise and start conversations

Every Life Matters and other suicide prevention charities rely on public donations and community fundraising to keep our work going. Send us a donation or start an event through our Just Giving pages.

Become and Orange Button Holder

The Orange Button Community Scheme is a way of identifying people that have undertaken a half day ort more suicide prevention training. Button holders have the confidence to talk to others about suicide, to listen without judgement and to signpost people to support and information.

Talk about suicide, lose the stigma

So much stigma still surrounds suicide, yet it is a far more common response to challenging life events than we realise. Around 1 in 5 of us will have thoughts of suicide in our lifetime, and 1 in 17 every year. We need to normalise conversations about suicide, and normalise help seeking when we reach such a desperate place. To help you start conversations take a look at our Myths and Facts Quiz

Training at your workplace

Get your employer, club or community to group to host suicide prevention training. Our colleagues see us every day and are often best placed to see when some is really struggling. Every Life Matters offers free in-house suicide prevention training and a wide range of mental health training for the workplace including Mental Health First Aid. Contact us to find out more or book a session.

Distribute our Self-harm Safe Kits

Our Self-harm Safe Kits are a resource for anyone wanting to understand, and begin to find ways to manage, their self-harming behaviour. If you work for the NHS, within education, social care or the third sector we can offer you a supply of kits for people you support who are self-harming.

Support those bereaved by suicide

Suicide bereavement is a unique loss. It has been described as one of the most difficult and lonely experiences a person can have, being left with an overwhelming jumble of feelings and thoughts. Often the stigma around a death by suicide can leave the bereaved feeling isolated and cut off. Have a look at Finding the Words and Help is at Hand to find out how you might support afriend, family member or colleague who has been bereaved by suicide.

Ask directly about suicide

Talking about suicide with someone you are worried about can feel like a nerve-wracking thing to do. You may find yourself tiptoeing around the subject because you’re scared of saying the wrong thing, or worried you may offend the person, or just wanting to make everything better. But the best approach is to ask, and ask directly “Are you having thoiughts of suicide?” It wont put ideas in the head, and the conversation that follows might be a lifesaver. Find out more about what to do if you are worried about someone.

Become an Every Life Matters Ambassador

Do you have regular contact with the media, a large social media following or are you well connected within your local community? You can become an ambassador for Every Life Matters and use your influence to spread postive suicide prevention messages. More details.

Look after yourself

Covid-19 has now had a far reaching impact on our nations mental health. Its more important than ever that we take positive steps to look after our ourselves, to seek help when we need it, and check-in and support people around us. Check out our guide to looking after yourself and others.